
About The Spotted Toad Daycare Inc.

The Spotted Toad is a childcare facility with a child first attitude. The center focuses on guiding children to become their best selves. It is the goal of The Spotted Toad that the staff, children and parents work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect. This facilitates self-confidence and positive self-esteem.

Our philosophy is to develop the whole child by providing a carefully planned, semi-structured play environment.

The Spotted Toad accepts children from 2 years of age to 12 with full day and after school care available. We also allow for full time care and part time care.

The Spotted Toad’s goals include, but are not limited to:

–      Promoting social acceptance by developing an understanding of individual needs and feelings

–      Promoting emotional health and growth by developing positive self-image and respect for others

–      Promoting intellectual growth by continually encouraging and challenging all children

–      Promoting physical health by encourage a positive attitude toward physical health, nutrition and hygiene.


Our Values:

  1. Safety is of utmost importance.
  2. There is a need for promoting positive self-reliance.
  3. Children with varying needs have the right to quality care in their peer group and are to be included in programming.
  4. Parental involvement should be encouraged. It is vital that staff work to build positive relationships with parents as it strengthens the parent/staff/child relationships and eases any transitions.
  5. Staff has a responsibility to encourage children to develop their sense of independence by allowing children some valid choices regarding their care.

Program planning

The Spotted Toad fosters cooperation and understanding through our programs enhancing children’s development of self-esteem and problem solving skills. The program is designed to provide choice and strives to meet the individual needs and interests of all children incorporating aspects of:

–      Cognitive development

–      Language development

–      Fine motor kills

–      Creative/dramatic play

–      Science/construction

–      Gross motor skills

Programming is most successful when the children are interested in the activities and outings planned. Thoughtful programming can be an effective way to encourage children to learn while having fun. It ensures children are provided with a variety of new and interesting activities that encourage all areas of development. Effective programming helps educators be and feel prepared, confident and calm.